RoRo ship

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Ro-Ro Transportation Aong with the dvisions of labor on transportaion,RO-O transporaion becomes more popular. Most customers wanto use RO RO vessel to fuf thelr vehide ransportation. Compare wilbreakbuk vesel. R0 R0 vesels obvously have ther strong points,.vehides have their sieadv space, avoid cushing and presin: mostunderdeck could avoid damage of sea water andbad weather lower freioht rates Allthese make RO-R0 senice became the frst choice of vehicle transponaion, AFShave good cooperalion with maior RO.RO owers in the wonld with our ar-ound operaion expenence, can provide you good senice for heavy equipments and vehices safety, timely delivering.
